2018 Convention Proceedings

PDF copies of the presentations from our 2018 Convention, held in Kamloops, are now available to download.

Onsite Sewage Success of Failure, Based on Groundwater Monitoring by Michael Payne

Subdivision Referrals and Soils Information by Amanda Anderson, Interior Health

Maintenance, Maintenance, Maintenance by Garth Millan

HeartMath by Kent Watson

Building, Installing and Maintaining Grease Traps by Colin Boog, Bionest

Effluent from High Efficiency Gas Furnaces and Their Effect on Septic Systems by Bruce McColm

Soil Evaluation Basics for System Design by Kent Watson

Changing the Conversation – Ecomimicry + Urban Development by Patrick Lucey, AquaTex Scientific

To Fill or Not to Fill by Colin Boog, Bionest

Artificial Sweeteners in Groundwater Indicate Contamination from Septic Systems by Dr. John Spoelstra, University of Waterloo

Promoting Compliance with the Municipal Wastewater Regulation by Sharon Bennett, Jason Bourgeois, Ministry of Environment

To Be Or Not To Be Professional by Charles Joyner, ASTTBC

Legal Responsibilities of ROWPs and Engineers by Gregory Miller, P Eng, LLP, Lindsay Kenney, LLP

Maintaining Project Documentation – Keeping Files of Your Filings by Kelly Dayman AScT., Eng L

Nutrient Removal Programming by Bryer Manwell, P Eng

Septic Systems and GARP – Groundwater at Risk of Pathogens by Michael Payne, P Eng, P Geo