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The Onsite Informer is widely distributed to our member installers, septage haulers, suppliers and other industry stakeholders.  It is also sent to municipalities and provincial government departments in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Current distribution is over 5000 copies. We have received very positive feedback for our Summer 2020 and Winter 2020 editions of

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Indigenous Awareness Canada CPD Training

ASTTBC has partnered with Indigenous Awareness Canada (IAC) to provide training, at no cost, to practising registrants. By learning about Indigenous Peoples, registrants will create greater understanding and enhance communications between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people and help build more trusting and respectful relationships, communities and employment opportunities. Cultural awareness and reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples in BC are

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WCOWMA-BC has the opportunity to bring training and education to your living room.  Our annual convention promises to provide interesting and topical speakers, great technical sessions, and informative workshops.  Do not miss your opportunity to listen, learn and network at this exciting event! Meet our great line up of presenters, and take a look at

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