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Accepting Articles and Ads for the Summer 2022 Onsite Informer

Did you know that there are plenty of opportunities to support your industry organization and promote your business? One such way is the Onsite Informer. The association is sourcing articles for publication in our WCOWMA printed magazine, which includes information, news and events from each Western province. Articles submitted may be on any topic relevant to our membership

Accepting Articles and Ads for the Summer 2022 Onsite Informer Read More »

Annual WCOWMA-BC Convention and Trade Show Update

The WCOWMA-BC Board of Directors invites you to join us as we ask the question: Why Waste Water? Those working in the onsite wastewater industry are recyclers of water. The acts of collecting, treating and dispersing wastewater back into the environment are extremely important both from an environmental and a fiscal  standpoint. We invite you

Annual WCOWMA-BC Convention and Trade Show Update Read More »

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