Be a Board Member

It’s only 6 months to the next WCOWMA-BC AGM! With the Annual General Meeting comes the potential for a new Board of Directors, and as the current Board Members can attest – new blood is a good thing.

Every year around the AGM the current Board and the administration finds our members hesitant to take on the duties of being a WCOWMA-BC Board Member, and for good reason! Everyone is busy, and exactly what is involved can be a bit of mystery to most people.  The thing is, the Association is here for our members, which means we need the guidance of the membership; there is no better way to do that than to join the Board.

So, what’s involved? Here are a few comments from current and previous Directors about their experience on the WCOWMA-BC Board:

Garth Millan – It turns out that I have the option of committing to only what I feel I can handle effectively. The Board asked me to be available to attend 12 meetings per year. Ten of these meetings would be via Skype at 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM, which meant I could attend from my home. There would be 2 face-to-face meetings at a mutually agreed location, and my expenses would be paid to attend. No big deal. The WCOWMA BC Board also has a dedicated and experienced operations management team, who are always available to handle the phone calls, documentation, the endless paper work and follow up. All I have to do is – show up, listen, and be heard.
Read more here.

Dave Cherry – The Board of WCOWMA is the catalyst that enables the good organic ideas from the membership in the field to interact with the people that can and must bring about change. It is these interactions with these people that motivate me to get involved. Every step toward bringing our membership greater satisfaction for professional job well done, is a personal reward.
Read more here.

Graham Tabaczuk – WCOWMA represents the idea of a community working together in an open and respectful manner to continually improve ourselves, our careers, and our industry as a whole; and as a board member you have the ability to make a significant contribution.
Read more here.

Bryer Manwell – When I see the deleterious effects of septic system operation from space… I know there is need to change how we approach on-site wastewater management! I want to influence that change and see the on-site wastewater industry standard practices change to consider and minimize measured input of pathogenic bacteria and nutrients into groundwater and surface water bodies from operation of on-site wastewater systems.
Read more here.

With six months until the AGM, there’s still lots of time to consider joining the Board.

We will be bringing you more comments and thoughts from members of the Board in the coming months, but in the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office, or one of the Directors on the Board.

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