Being on the Board: Dave Cherry

Dave Cherry is a ROWP currently operating out of the Nanaimo region. He has served on the WCOWMA-BC board for several years and serves as parliamentarian during the association\’s AGMs.

The onsite wastewater industry is complex, especially when you consider all the regulations and regulators that exist within the industry. I don’t believe there is a single person in this industry that hasn’t questioned why somethings are done the way they are. However, even more important are those that see a need for change and have ideas on how to go about making it happen.

The Board of WCOWMA is the catalyst that enables the good organic ideas from the membership in the field to interact with the people that can and must bring about change.  It is these interactions with these people that motivate me to get involved. Every step forward toward bringing our membership greater satisfaction for professional job well done, is a personal reward.

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