Being on the Board: Graham Tabaczuk

Graham Tabaczuk is a ROWP Installer/Planner. He represents the onsite wastewater industry supplier company Premier Tech Aqua throughout British Columbia.

I was first elected as a WCOWMA-BC board member at the 2012 convention. It was my first experience running for this type of position, and I have learned a lot in my time serving the association. As a supplier representative for the onsite wastewater industry, I have the benefit of interacting with people from all over the province and very often am involved in discussions regarding different perspectives about our industry. To me, being a board member means to help in the progression of our industry by collaborating with industry stakeholders and acknowledging these diverse perspectives. WCOWMA represents the idea of a community working together in an open and respectful manner to continually improve ourselves, our careers, and our industry as a whole; and as a board member you have the ability to make a significant contribution.

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