E-mail notice from the Ministry of Health, Health Protection Branch

Subject: Provincial Manual of Composting Toilet and Greywater Practice – Public Engagement


Dear Onsite Sewage Stakeholder,

Please be advised that we are currently soliciting public feedback on a draft Provincial Manual of Composting Toilet and Greywater Practice (February 2016 Draft). The composting toilet manual provides a comprehensive set of provisions which support the design, installation, and maintenance of composting toilet-based sewerage systems, and aligns with the Sewerage System Regulation and recently published Sewerage System version 3 Standard Practice Manual.

Feedback on the Composting Toilet Manual can be provided through the Ministry of Health website posting, located at http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/waste-management/sewage/onsite-sewage-systems/sewerage-system-standard-practice-manual.


Rupert Benzon
Manager, Land Use
Ministry of Health

PO Box 9646 Stn Prov Govt

Victoria, BC V8W 9P1
T: (250) 952-2128
F: (250) 952-1713

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