Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Time to Renew Your Membership?

Your membership expiry date is located on your membership card. Renewal reminders will be sent out, however if you check your card and see it’s time to renew you can simply print off the attached form, fill it out and either scan and email it or fax it in.

Do I Have to Be a Member of an Industry Association in Order to Work in the Industry?

There is no legal requirement for Onsite Wastewater Practitioners or Professionals to belong to an Industry Association. Those working in the onsite wastewater industry are only required to belong to the certification body who licenses them, such as ASTTBC or APEGBC.

What is the Benefit of Membership?

Membership in WCOWMA-BC brings with it certain advantages that membership in your certification body cannot or does not provide.

Training: WCOWMA-BC focuses on bringing effective affordable training to all parts of the province. In 2013, we will be working toward designed in BC training sessions for new ROWPs and Continuing Education sessions for current ROWPs. A key focus will be to develop extended/advanced training sessions for professionals along with a Maintenance Program for ROWPs. Membership gives you reduced rates!

Industry Relationships: WCOWMA-BC continues to foster positive, forward-looking relationships with all other stakeholder groups in BC. This ensures the individual member’s voice can be heard in the right place at the right time. Your concerns and needs are addressed, whether at the Ministry level or with ASTTBC or APEGBC. Membership gives you a seat at the table!

Regulation and Certification: WCOWMA-BC has been directly involved in ongoing initiatives by the regulating bodies. Our staff and volunteers represent the membership on a variety of Boards and Committees that impact the onsite wastewater industry. We invite you the member to provide us with your thoughts which we can then bring to the table. This is an extremely important service as it goes to protecting you, the member, from well-meaning, but possibly negative changes to the regulations that we all must live by. Membership gives you a voice!

Onsite Informer Magazine, Newsletters and Web Site: Information is the name of the game for anyone in business. WCOWMA-BC works hard to bring you all the latest information on products, services, construction techniques, events and industry wide news. We connect over 1500 members and stakeholders in the province of BC alone. We also connect you with our sister organizations across Western Canada as well as with onsite associations east to the Atlantic and south throughout the US for the latest in onsite. Membership keeps you informed!

Trade Show and Convention: The annual Trade Show and Convention is the culminating event of the year where you can meet friends and associates both old and new, hear the latest news about products, training and regulation, and share your thoughts directly with the WCOWMA board and staff, suppliers and regulators. Ongoing training opportunities are always available at convention as well. Membership not only gives you reduced rates, membership gives you a community!

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