Maintenance Provider Workshop (Courtenay)

A three-day workshop focusing on the maintenance, inspection and repair of onsite wastewater systems was held in Courtenay from May 16 – 19.  Over half a dozen students spent a half-day in the classroom followed by two and a half days in the field.

\"\"WCOWMA-BC President, Garth Millan led participants in this workshop.  Students had the opportunity to review the requirements under SPM V3, and to familiarize themselves with reporting documents and checklists prior to participating actively in the maintenance inspection of various types of onsite wastewater systems, including Type I,II & III, pressure and gravity.   Maintenance activities were carried out on the systems inpected.  Workshops such as these provide an excellent opportunity to gain experience or hone skills.  Further workshops will be made available in other regions of the province.

WCOWMA-BC would like to thank member Kelly Klassen for providing the sites for maintenance.

You can find more photos on our Facebook page.

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