Online Forum Now Available

WCOWMA-BC has launched an online forum for the benefit of the membership.  Members may log on using their member log in and password and share information on technical issues, troubleshooting and other information on onsite wastewater issues of interest.  Posting is only available to members.  Please note that the forum is not to be used to market product, or solicit business.  It is exclusively for discussing technical or other onsite wastewater issues.  Members wishing to participate in the forum are encouraged to review the Terms of Use information.  Abuse of the forum will result in access being suspended.

If you are currently a member, but do not have a username and password, please contact us with your name, company name and email address.

If you are not a member, we encourage you to join our community and participate in all the benefits that membership has to offer, including the online forum.

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