Only two weeks until convention—Have you registered yet??

This year’s convention offers huge opportunities for education. The schedule includes several workshops that will help ROWPs and Engineers increase their knowledge and skill level in a variety of areas. As well as programs that focus directly on the design, installation and maintenance of onsite wastewater systems, this year’s program offers a workshop for your Partners in Entrepreneurship. Check out our website for abstracts and outlines of the various presentations available. A complete Schedule of Events is available for download.
On Thursday, February 20, two workshops take place. Michael Payne leads a full day workshop on How to Estimate Sewage Treatment in Soil. Students in this class achieve the following outcomes:


1. Principles of the soil-system as a \”packed bed bioreactor\”.

2. BOD and TSS reduction.

3. Fate of pathogenic micro-organisms in soil.

4. The Minnesota Pollution Control Authority model.

5. Nitrogen reduction.

6. Phosphorous reduction.

7. Other pollutants.

8. Web-based resources, including maps and on-line \”calculators\”.

A second workshop is available on Thursday afternoon. This workshop focuses on Web Resources and Pressure Distribution Design Software and will be lead by Ian Ralston.
For the above workshops, delegates are asked to bring a calculator, notebook and if possible a laptop.
Thursday evening ends with a sponsored pub night.
Friday, February 21 is trade show day. Delegates will begin the day with a presentation from John Leech at ASTTBC. John will be outlining the ROWP Guideline which is currently under development. Following that, Jim Andersen and Brent Dennis will present a two hour workshop on Planning and Filing.
The trade show opens at 10. Throughout the day, there will be technical presentations provided by industry suppliers.
Following the trade show on Friday, WCOWMA-BC will host their Annual General Meeting, after which a banquet and entertainment will be hosted for the delegates.
Saturday, February 22 promises a full day of education and research presentations for industry stakeholders. As well, partners in family businesses have the opportunity to attend a workshop on Entrepreneuring in Partnership. This course is intended for women working in an entrepreneurial partnership, as well as those who are in support of an entrepreneur of small business, and are looking for ways to make a difference in the success of their business. The Entrepreneurship in Partnership Workshop is designed to explore the factors that lead to effective collaboration and success for small businesses. Whether you are joint owner of a business or a supporter of an entrepreneur this course will serve you.
On Sunday, February 23, two workshops will be held. For Maintenance Providers, a maintenance workshop including a live maintenance inspection will be offered. For Planners and Engineers, a site and soil evaluation workshop will take place. This workshop will be comprised of a classroom segment followed by a live site demonstration.
Do not miss this opportunity—Register today!
2014 Trade Show & Convention:
South Thompson Inn & Conference Centre – 3438 Shuswap Road East, Kamloops

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