Onsite System Maintenance Bylaw Review Project

The Ministry of Health recently issued a Request for Proposals for an organization or individual to review bylaws and other regulatory tools for onsite sewage maintenance provided by local governments in North America, and to develop a set of common principles for application by regional districts and local government municipalities in BC. The research would result in a final report detailing the \’common principles\’ for effective regulation and management of onsite sewage programs at the local government level (with focus on maintenance).

The common principles of this report are intended to assist local governments in improving  homeowner interest and instilling a positive approach towards onsite sewage maintenance. Concerns have been raised by industry regarding a general lack of regular (ongoing)  prescribed maintenance within the onsite community in BC. Accordingly, consultation with the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), the Ministry of Community, Sport, and Cultural Development (MCSCD), and the Capital Regional District (CRD), will be conducted to ensure that the final report generally reflects the needs of local governments and associated agencies.

The Ministry announced on August 21, 2015 that OpusDaytonKnight was the successful candidate and will be contracted to complete this project.  It is anticipated the results of the research project will be completed in Spring of 2016.


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