Promotional Opportunities

Networking is a big part of our convention, and hosting a booth at our annual trade show is a great way to bring exposure to your company and the products and services it offers, but there are other ways to promote your business as well.

Companies who choose to host a booth are encouraged to submit a business card sized ad and promotional materials (such as pens, flashlights, tape measures, etc) for the delegate bags. These promotional opportunities are included with the booth booking.

If your company is looking to further promote your business, or is unable to host a booth, consider taking advantage of additional advertising space in our Convention & Trade Show magazine, having your logo displayed on the bags handed out during the show, or sponsoring a meal during the event.

You can also request a 30-minute technical session during the show where attendees can come and hear more about your products and services.

More information can be found inside the exhibitor flyer, or by contacting our office.

Let us help you promote your business. 

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