Public Review of SPM V3

Those registered on the Ministry of Health’s notification list would have received the email notice below announcing the release of the SPM V3 for public consultation.

This is likely the last opportunity stakeholders will have to express any concerns, ask questions or otherwise comment on the SPM V3 prior to its publication and adoption. If you want to be heard, please enter the link below into your browser and provide your comments.

If you prefer to have the association present comments on your behalf, contact the association office either by phone or through email and we will ensure your communications are forwarded to the Ministry.

E-mail notice from the Ministry of Health, Health Protection Branch

Subject: Draft Version 3 Standard Practice Manual – Public Consultation
Dear Onsite Sewage Stakeholder,

Please be advised that we are currently soliciting public feedback on the most recent draft version 3 Sewerage System Standard Practice Manual for wastewater practitioners (SPM – March 2014 Draft for Consultation). The SPM is the primary source of reference for BC wastewater practitioners responsible for designing, installing and maintaining onsite sewage systems, pursuant to the Sewerage System Regulation and Public Health Act.

The consultation forum is located on the Ministry of Health website at: and will be running until May 30, 2014.

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