Septic Awareness Week 2020

The Western Canada Onsite Wastewater Management Association hosted Septic Awareness Week from September 14 to 18, the same week as the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s SepticSmart Week.

Along with our provincial associations (AOWMA, MOWMA, SOWMA and WCOWMA-BC) and numerous government bodies, we are shared guidance with the general public on sound septic maintenance and management through webinars and our social media channels.

The Septic Sense messaging utilized during Septic Awareness Week was shared by 28 Alberta Municipal Districts and Counties, the Alberta Safety Codes Council, the Capital Region District, the Fraser Valley Regional District, the Comox Valley Regional District, the Regional District of Nanaimo, the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, the Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen, North Okanagan Regional District, the Langley Environmental Protection Society, Ministry of Health and ASTTBC in British Columbia, the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities, and the Manitoba Municipality Association.

Outside Western Canada, Septic Sense was shared by the Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association (OOWA) and the Ontario Association of Sewage Industry Services.

Each year, we hope to expand on our information network to ensure that all those who own a private sewage system in Western Canada understand the importance of proper operation and maintenance.

More webinars will be made available over the course of 2020 and into 2021, so that homeowners have multiple opportunities to participate, and Regional Districts, Municipal Districts, Counties, and Rural Municipalities become more familiar with our program.
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