Septic Awareness Week Update

The Western Canada Onsite Wastewater Management Association hosted Septic Awareness Week from September 14 to 18, the same week as the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s SepticSmart Week.

Along with our provincial associations (AOWMA, MOWMA, SOWMA and WCOWMA-BC) and numerous government bodies, we are shared guidance with the general public on sound septic maintenance and management through our social media channels.

Overall, our Septic Awareness Week went very well. The social media posts were well received and the webinars, while small, were appreciated by those who attended.

A follow-up email will go out to all the homeowners attending this week, with a copy of the presentation, a list of the questions and answers, the do’s and don’ts document, a maintenance record for their property and a fall/winter newsletter explaining how to prepare their system for winter.

We also were able to expand our Septic Awareness Week as far east as Ontario with both the Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association and the Ontario Association of Sewage Industry Services beginning a social media campaign this year. The Nova Scotia Association has now reached out to participate next year.

More webinars will be made available over the course of 2020 and into 2021, so that homeowners have multiple opportunities to participate and Regional Districts become more familiar with our program.

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