Site and Soil Evaluation Field Day and Filing Workshop

The WCOWMA- BC is hosting a Site & Soils Evaluation Field Day on Denman Island, BC on September 21, 2015.

This practical training day is a great opportunity to get hands-on experience evaluating a site, as well as practicing hand texturing and sampling. In the afternoon, students will be review the filing and plan for the site. Installers who have recently completed the Onsite Wastewater Practitioner Training Program will be able to take their new knowledge and apply it in the field. Experienced planners and installers should also consider this opportunity to continue their education.

It is recommended that participants also sign up for the 2-day install training workshop, which takes places on September 22 & 23 at the same site.

The expected outcomes for this training are listed below, and a registration form can be downloaded here. You may register for this hands-on training by fax, email, or online. Please contact the WCOWMA office with any questions you may have.


Site & Soils Evaluation Workshop Outcomes

Field Day – Instructor will demonstrate all required outcomes prior to participants demonstrating to the instructor the proper processes for site and soil evaluation.

Use soil evaluation to identify characteristics that affect sewage systems.

  • Understand the general method of how to evaluate soil characteristics that affect water movement.
    • Excavate soil pit – depth, location
    • Available tools – soil auger, probe
  • Basic knowledge of how to examine the soil profile and identify
    • Major soil structure features (why it is important is covered in soil/water)
    • Colour – mottles and gleyed soils (washed out gray) identified high water table or saturated soils (reason saturated/unsaturated flow in previous module)
    • Soil texture, make up of sand/silt/clay, don’t count gravel component
    • Effect of gravel component
    • Where to take sample
    • Basic hand texturing procedures
    • Lab testing availability and basic knowledge of lab testing method
    • Recognize changes in soil horizons and understand effect on sewage system design.
    • Soils logging
  • Understand and apply the soil texture triangle.
  • Able to determine effluent-loading rate for a soil texture set in Standard of Practice.
  • Know what restricting/limiting layers are and able to recognize major characteristic.
  • Ability to recognize major soil characteristics and determine soil effluent loading rates or limitations.

Registration is now closed. 

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