Statement Regarding COVID-19

In these difficult times it is important to remember we are a community. The health and safety of our members and the general public is of great importance to us.
The staff and Board of Directors for the Association will be following the directives of the Ministry of Health and self-quarantining if they have been traveling outside the Provincial boundaries. In-person meetings will be postponed or held through telecommunication or virtual means.
Those working in the onsite wastewater industry have the potential of exposure to a variety of pathogens during their day-to-day work.
Please act in a responsible fashion, ensuring the health and safety of yourself, and all those around you. Wear proper Personal Protection Equipment when working with wastewater: Proper eye protection goggles, a face mask, medical grade gloves (double-glove), waterproof or water resistant coveralls, and rubber boots. Keep your work clothes separate from your daily wear. Wash your work clothes separately from your daily wear.
Finally, wash your hands frequently and do not touch your face. Washing your hands with soap and water is an important step in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and other pathogens.
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