The Importance of Maintenance

The proper functioning and longevity of an onsite wastewater system is largely dependant upon proper use and maintenance of the system.

Due to the recognition of the importance of ongoing maintenance, various Regional Districts in BC have adopted maintenance programs to ensure that homeowners have the information they need to understand how their system works and how to care for it.

The following districts currently have established homeowner education programs:

  • The Capital Regional District (CRD) has its Septic Savvy homeowner education program along with a maintenance program for those of its municipalities that have septic systems.
  • The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) unveiled their SepticSmart program a few years ago, which included a
    rebate component for such things as riser installations, new secure tank lids, effluent filters and other
    components and fixtures that aid in the functionality and operation of onsite wastewater systems.
  • The Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) has a Septic Smartprogram as well. Their program includes a
    children’s education component to ensure understanding of the importance and functionality of onsite wastewater systems begins at an early age.
  • Comox Valley Regional District launched a septic education program within the past eighteen months to ensure that the 9000 homes in their district operating with septic systems have access to this important information.

The help out those regions that do not have their own homeowner education programs, the association has created Septic Sense BC. This prepackaged education program provides a presentation, along with print resources for homeowners living on properties served by onsite wastewater systems.

This fall, WCOWMA-BC will be offering Septic Sense BC in various locations in BC. Watch our Events page for a homeowner education program near you.


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