Onsite Wastewater Practitioner Training

The WCOWMA Onsite Wastewater Management Association of BC is pleased to present industry training based on the BC SPM V3 for Onsite Wastewater Professionals. Successful completion of this training program fulfills the classroom component of the training required to work in the Onsite Wastewater Industry in BC. This program is also recognized in Alberta under the Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA) and the New West Partnership, in Saskatchewan under the New West Partnership and in Manitoba under the Agreement on Internal Trade.  Students will be required to complete an online training component prior to attending the classroom sessions.

Those wishing to apply for a ROWP Installer/Planner Stamp must complete the following training components:

Students will be assisted in completing all the above required components.

As well as this industry certification program, WCOWMA-BC offers individual field and classroom training sessions for continuing education purposes. For information on training opportunities in your area, contact the WCOWMA-BC office.

If you are interested in attending any of these training sessions, please complete the registration form which follows and click the register button to submit registration payment. Space in the training sessions is limited and is allotted on a first come, first served basis. Upon receipt of the completed form and payment for training, your course supplies will be sent to you for review prior to training.

A minimum class of fifteen paid participants is required in order for the class to take place.

The Onsite Wastewater Practitioner Training Program is a ten-day course divided into two sessions. You must complete all ten days training successfully in order to receive certification.

Training Documentation

Training Registration

Dates to be Announced

Training fees must be received in our office prior to the course date.
For questions contact our office:


Field Training / Workshops

Site & Soils Evaluation Field Days

Mound Installation Field Day

Installation Field Day Workshop

Operation & Maintenance Levels I & II


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Site & Soils Evaluation Field Days

Site and Soils Evaluation Field Days are offered for those interested in learning more about performing detailed site visits and designing systems for difficult situations and soils. These training workshops provide information on assessing soil structure, texture, and consistence, assessing site conditions and constraints, logging information and applying that knowledge to the design of onsite wastewater systems. This provides a valuable opportunity to gain hands-on experience evaluating a site, as well as practicing hand texturing and sampling. These field workshops are a requirement for those completing the Onsite Wastewater Practitioner Training Program and also add value for experienced designers and installers wishing to continue their education.

Dates to be Announced

Mound Installation Field Day

This practical training workshop is a great opportunity to get hands-on experience building a sand treatment mound.

Practitioners who have recently completed the Onsite Wastewater Practitioner Training Program will be able to take their new knowledge and apply it on-site. Experienced designers and installers should also consider this opportunity to continue their education.

Dates to be Announced


Installation Field Days provide new and experienced installers with the opportunity to learn new techniques and installation practices.  Field days may be offered for systems such as subsurface trench systems either gravity or pressure distribution, seepage beds, or combined treatment systems, depending on the site and soils available and the regulatory framework.

Dates to be Announced

Operation & Maintenance Levels I & II

WCOWMA-BC has contracted with the National Association of Wastewater Technicians to provide a four-day training program for Operation and Maintenance. The training is split into two parts: Part One covers business aspects of O and M and the operation and maintenance required for conventional systems including trenches, beds, mounds and at-grades with some aerobic tank discussion. Part Two concentrates more specifically on Aerobic Tanks, drip irrigation, single pass, and re-circulating media filters. Both parts are conducted over a two-day period, with a hands on session in the field and an exam administered at the conclusion.

Those wishing to expand their scope of work into maintenance provision may achieve formal Certification through this program.

NAWT is a member of the Consortium of Institutes for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment (CIDWT). The CIDWT has been instrumental with the assistance of funding from the USEPA to prepare standard educational materials that can be used nationwide. They developed both a University and Practitioner curriculum and then followed this with a comprehensive manual and set of training materials on Operation and Maintenance. They have also conducted train the trainer sessions on the development of training courses and the use of the materials. NAWT participated at all stages of development of these materials.

NAWT will record and have available on their web site www.NAWT.org a record of those contractors and pumpers that have passed the Certificate of Completion exams by state/province with their contact information.

Those who complete this training program will be listed on the WCOWMA-BC Locate-a-Pro service as Maintenance Providers.

Dates to be Announced