Updates to Onsite Sewerage Systems guidelines address policy document

Engineers and Geoscientists BC recently updated its Professional Practice Guidelines – Onsite Sewerage Systems and the latest version, Version 1.3, is now available on the association’s website. These guidelines provide guidance on professional practice for Engineering/Geoscience Professionals who are qualified to design or advise on Onsite Sewerage Systems under the Sewerage System Regulation (defined as Professionals in these guidelines). The Guidelines have been revised to align with the new Engineers and Geoscientists BC brand.

This latest version of the guidelines reflects the requirements under the new policy document titled: Sewerage System Regulation: Standard Practice and Health Hazards, which provides guidance to professionals on the scope of health hazards to consider before issuing a Letter of Certification.

Other Sections where changes have been made are:

  • 8.2.11 – Operation and Maintenance Plan Checklist
  • 8.2.12 – Letter of Certification

The Professional Practice Guidelines – Onsite sewerage systems were initially published in January 2013. The Association reviews and updates published guidelines once every five years to ensure the content is still relevant and accurate. If you have comments or suggestions for future revisions of these guidelines, please direct them to Harshan Radhakrishnan, P.Eng., Practice Advisor through email at hrad@egbc.ca.

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