WCOWMA-BC Annual General Meeting Notice

All WCOWMA-BC members in good standing are invited to attend the Virtual Annual General Meeting being held on March 12, 2021 at 3:30pm.


Nominations may be submitted in advance of the AGM or from the floor during the election portion of the meeting.

According to the WCOWMA-BC Bylaws a nominee must be an active member who has been in good standing for at least two consecutive years. Nominees for the Executive Committee positions (President, Vice-President or Secretary/Treasurer) must have already served on the Board of Directors for one preceding year.

All nominations must be supported by a seconder, who is a WCOWMA-BC Corporate Member in good standing. There is no limit to the number of nominations that can be brought forward.


President                     Director                     Director


Those elected to the Board of Directors at the 2021 AGM will hold those positions for two years; term of office to complete in 2023.


Generally, the Board operates as a governance entity, meaning that it sets high level strategic direction as opposed to having a direct hand in the day-to-day activities of the operation.  Directors should be prepared to attend a minimum of one meeting every two months, either in person in Red Deer or by video conference.  Directors will also be expected to serve on one or more committees to provide more direct guidance regarding key association strategic objectives.

Board members are not paid, however reasonable expenses are reimbursed for travel and meals when attending Board meetings or other sanctioned association activities.


The meeting will follow normal meeting protocol according to the Agenda.

The meeting will be closed to non-members for the election portion of the meeting to protect the integrity of the voting process.

Once only members are on the electronic meeting list, elections will commence. For each position, an electronic \’quiz\’ or \’survey\’ will be posted into the chat box on the meeting portal. Members click on the link and cast their vote.

ONLY ONE VOTE per member. If more votes are received in the office than there are voting members present, that vote will be cast out and voting will be repeated.

If you are registered into the meeting, please turn your camera on so that we can see you.

Votes will be anonymous.

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