Guidelines Being Developed to Support New Industrial Camps Regulation

A Concept Outline is being developed by the Ministry of Health for the development of proposed policy changes for potential amendments to the current Industrial Camps Regulation. The outline is intended to clarify the intent of the regulation and reduce prescriptive requirements to make them more outcome-based, bringing them more in line with the Sewerage System Regulation.

A set of guidelines is also being developed for the operation of industrial camps. These guidelines are intended to assist camp operators and regulators in interpreting the requirements of an updated Regulation.

WCOWMA-BC along with other stakeholders has been asked to review the guidelines and provide feedback to the Ministry. WCOWMA-BC will consolidate comments from its stakeholder group and present them to the Ministry of Health by October 31, 2012.

Although the current regulation was updated in March 2012, the changes made at that time were to align some of the older language with the Public Health Act. No policy changes were made.

A copy of the current regulation is available for review at Those wishing to receive copies of the Concept Outline and guidelines for comment should contact WCOWMA-BC at 877.489.7471 or by email to

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