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Summer 2024 Onsite Informer

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Don’t miss out on your chance to receive the Summer 2024 issue of WCOWMA’s Onsite Informer Magazine!

Take a moment to contact our office with your updated address.

Be A Part of the Magazine

WCOWMA is sourcing articles for publication in our printed magazine, which includes information, news, and events from each of the Western provinces.

Articles submitted may be on any topic relevant to our membership and stakeholder group, such as those related to wastewater, septage and the onsite wastewater industry. We can accommodate a wide range of article lengths from 200 to 500 words to 800 to 1,500 words for the magazine. The article should be research or case study based. Relevant pictures are welcome; a photo release may be required. Promotional articles or those that are heavily proprietorial are considered advertorial and are subject to advertising rates. These will be identified in the publications as advertorials.

We also still have a few spots left for companies wishing to promote their business and products. If you are interested in advertising, please download a media package here. 

If you have any questions, or you’d like to contribute an article or place an ad in the Summer issue, please contact Kelly for more information.

WCOWMA’s Onsite Informer magazine is widely distributed to our member installers, maintenance providers, planners, septage haulers, suppliers, and other industry stakeholders. It is also sent to municipalities and provincial government departments in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Current distribution is over 5000 copies.

DEADLINE: Submissions should be received in our office by May 15th, 2024.

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